Saturday, January 10, 2009

Baby Names

I just have to have a quick whinge. I learned yesterday that someone at work named their baby Campbell...maybe ok for a boy, but it's really a surname, and this poor baby is a girl. Can you imagine the teasing this kid is in for? I just have to ask why when there are so many good normal names out there!


katieg said...

At least it's not Espn (ESPN) or Reality.

Rebex said...

That's messed up! Poor kid will have to wait until she's 18 to get that changed. I hope they gave her a normal middle name she can go by. :)

Jalula said...

Really, people name their kids these things?? I don't know what her middle name is...hoping with Bex it's normal!

Kayla said...

The kid could be named Apple...that's pretty bad too. But I agree, that is a horrible name for a girl! Love ya Janelle!