Monday, September 13, 2010


I had written a lovely post with a video of Gus singing along with my music, but the video won't upload. The long and short of it was that I've discovered he really likes music (especially country), and will sing along when it's on-he also jumps from perch to perch. I think it's pretty cute.

Also, not connected, I was doing some laundry on Saturday and discovered my dryer wasn't really working right. I hung up my clothes and thought I'd investigate when I had the time. Today I did a little looking, and found a bird's nest in the outlet for my dryer vent. Too bad it's on the outside of my second floor apartment with no way for me to remove it. I called the apartment office, and they are sending out someone with a ladder to investigate. I hope there aren't babies...if that's the case, I'll be hanging my clothes until they molt and leave the nest!

I've been on a couple of dates with the same person in the past couple of weeks. It's been almost a year since that happened last, and while I don't know that this is really going anywhere, I have to say it's nice to be taken out, and I'm grateful for men who are men. They ask for a date, plan something, and come pick me up at my place of residence. They open my door, ask me questions about myself and are genuinely interested in getting to know me. I hope I make them feel as comfortable and important as they make me feel.

Lastly, what a beautiful CES fireside last night. Elder Scott bore pure testimony of the reality of God's plan of salvation for us, and the importance of marriage in that plan. I loved every minute of it!

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