Sunday, October 19, 2008

Habitat for Humanity

Having started a blog, I'm a little at a loss for things to write about. It's always good to hear updates about friends, but when it comes to writing about myself, I feel as if it would often be quite, church, home, repeat. I'm not convinced that I really want to admit many of the things I think in a public forum...allowing people that type of insight is better done on a one-on-one basis. That having been said, I did have the opportunity to do something wonderful this weekend.

A group of people from church went to Habitat for Humanity here in San Antonio to volunteer our Saturday. We met quite early, had breakfast, and made our way to a neighborhood across town. We signed waivers, made name-tags and met Randy, our house leader. He took us to the build site, and started organizing us.

We got to work after some instruction. Half of us climbed to the roof to put on shingles, and the other half stayed on the ground to put up siding.

While the crew on the ground tried to figure out the art of placing a piece of siding without breaking it, we on the roof endeavored to place the shingles on in a straight line.

After a day (or most of a day) working, we managed to side a good portion of the house, and finish most of the roof.

I think that in spite of blisters, sunburns, cuts and sore muscles, we all felt great about spending our Saturday there. We left having met some new people, strengthened bonds of friendship, learned a new skill, and given service to people we may never meet. As I descended the stairs this morning to attend a church meeting, the soreness in my legs was hardly noticeable because the fact it was there reminded me of what I had done, and in thinking of the service I rendered, and the friendships I strengthened, I was grateful for the chance I'd had to induce the stiffness that slowed me a little this day. I am so blessed to have a roof over my head, and I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to help, in a small way, to provide that blessing for someone who does not have it.

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