Wednesday, October 14, 2009

In which I admit how much of a nerd I am

I work in a lab. Most of you probably know this. We have chores that we take turns doing-things that affect all of us, but are inconvenient to do individually. One of these things is taking things to be sterilized in one of our autoclaves. This is my favorite job! While I admit it's just a pedestrian task, I for some reason find great joy in taking things down to be sterilized and returning them to the lab once they're done. I think part of it is that the office is usually cold, and everything that comes out of the autoclave is nice and warm. Another part is the autoclave gloves. We have a giant pair of orange gloves like the one pictured below. I can't help but think about the thing from Fantastic 4. I have been known, after making sure there's no one else around, to make a fist, look at it, and think "It's clobberin' time!" Don't ask why, but this is fun for me. I went to retrieve the autoclaving today, and much to my dismay, the orange gloves had been replaced with a pair like these:

Now I have nothing against blue, but I can't think of anything fun about a puffy pair of blue gloves. I had to take solace in the fact that I know where at least one of the orange gloves is, and I'll be sure to retrieve it before the next time I run a load in the autoclave. So now you know. Try not to tease me too much.

1 comment:

Kayla said...

That's awesome Janelle! I do have to say, the orange gloves have something the blue ones don't! Very interesting things you do at work! =)