Monday, November 8, 2010


My goal as of late with Gus has been to get him to eat from my hand. When we started out, he flew to the opposite side of the cage as soon as I put my hand in, usually making some unhappy squeaking.
 Next, he decided it might be okay to reach for food from his dish that I had balanced on my hand.
 Eventually, he decided he could sit on the bowl in my hand and eat.
 And now, he eats from my bare hand!
He occasionally decides to give a finger a try instead of his seed. This results in a firm scolding. Hopefully he'll learn what "Don't bite" means soon. Though he hasn't bitten me hard enough to draw blood again, it still hurts a bit. I'm happy to be making progress with my little guy. I think he's adorable.

The video is when he was deciding whether it was really a good idea to eat out of my hand. I think his little sideways back and forth dance is cute. Now he just comes right down and gives my hand a good stare down before he eats.

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