Thursday, November 18, 2010

Airport plan

I've been hearing a lot lately about airport security. As I have booked two trips in the next month or so, I am not happy about the possibility of either being exposed to "safe" radiation (but not if you look at a Berkley study) and thinking about a TSA officer looking at me sans clothes, or being patted down extensively. I was patted down once before-I think I was flying from the east coast to the west. Their old non-invasive pat down made me uncomfortable-I can't imagine how violated I'd feel if subjected to the new one. Therefore, I have devised an airport plan. You may recall I was in Norway a few months ago. While there, I purchased this:

My plan is to wear the above item of clothing with my bathing suit underneath. If/when they choose to select me for the additional search, I will refuse both the radiation and pat down, unzip the onsie, strip to my togs and ask politely what more they need to see.


Maioha said...

Now THAT is a good idea!

Hopefully your togs won't give you a wedgie :-)

Unknown said...

Oh, boy. Do you REALLY want them to answer that question given what they'd be seeing if you did go through the scanner?

What I think you should do is refuse the scan and when they go to "pat you down" (or feel you up...depending on who you're talking about), pull out your phone and inform the TSA agent that you will be recording your "pat down" (or feel up) in case the enhanced security measures become a sexual assault. (Maybe request her supervisor.)

Better get there an hour or two early.

katieg said...

haha! Great idea!