That being said, I have nothing against others eating whatever of the sea's bounty they fancy. On our way out of Rockport last weekend, we stopped at the Boiling Pot-a Cajun style sea food joint. I ordered a PB&J, and watched in awe at what the others were served:
The waitress brought a huge stainless bowl out and dumped the contents on our table. I thought it made a rather nice still-life. I wish I had captured the faces of some of my companions. I am not squeamish about food that still looks like it's alive. Some in our group certainly were. Others went straight for the mallets and dug into the crab, or started peeling shrimp. As I downed the sandwich and chips in front of me, the picture above turned into the one below:
I think everyone left the meal satisfied, though some more than others. Personally, I was much more satisfied having spent most of the day playing soccer, volleyball, and as follows...
Oh how I love the beach! If only I weren't peeling...
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