Monday, March 15, 2010

Lesson Learned

The weather in Texas has been beautiful lately. When I get home from work I generally open the windows, and even the door to my balcony. Saturday night, I learned my lesson. Having closed and locked everything, brushed my teeth, said my prayers, and went to bed. I was drifting off nicely, when I felt something brushing my face. I now believe that jumping from a prone position is possible, because that's what I must have done! I leaped out of bed and threw on my light (I might mention, I was quite sure the culprit was of the six legged type, so I wasn't too worried). Fearing I'd find a cockroach (though I've not yet seen one in my apartment), I looked around my room to discover a moth that surely came in through the open door. After spending some time to catch it, I tossed it out said door and retired to bed again. Needless to say, it took me quite some time to fall asleep.

1 comment:

Kayla said...

LOL, hahahahahahaha!!!! how funny! we get moths in the house all the time whenever we open to door to go out and feed animals...but our two cats inside end up eating them for us. :) that was a great story!