Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Some friends and I were talking about books the other day. I mentioned that another group of friends had invited me to participate in a book club, and that I am not enjoying the book which was chosen. As they asked me why and I enumerated my distaste for the characters in the book and their behavior, then had to laugh at the fact that I was complaining about the main character because I think she complains too much. I don't know if I'll make it through the book before the designated time. We've had it about a month (maybe only three weeks), and I'm on page 15. It's not a short book. Maybe I'll just watch the movie:)


Kayla said...

what book is it? i miss you...we need to plan another ice cream outing!

Jalula said...

It's Jane Eyre. I read a couple more pages last night. I'm now through the 1st chapter...

I never turn down ice cream! How about the beginning of next week some time?