Friday, June 11, 2010

Victory is sweet

I wrote before about a good/bad day. Softball, soccer, friends, and trying to make the best of losing. This morning, I am still reeling from the fact that team Chaos (my softball team) won our third play-off game (after an unexpected win of our second game). It was a close one-both teams were ahead at times, and for an inning or so we were tied. I'm not sure that as designated hitter and catcher I did much good, but somehow we managed to hold them in the bottom of the last inning for an 8-5 victory. Not only does this mean we aren't eliminated from the play-offs, it means that the worst we can do is third! A team with a 1-9 record in third...

I'm not sure how I contained my dance of joy until I got home, but I did. Victory is sweet. It tastes like endorphins. I can still taste it this morning-there may yet be more dancing.

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